Monday 4 October 2010

One Missed Call (Road to Halloween)

Trying to watch and review a film a day is hard. Trying to watch and review a horror film a day is also difficult. Trying to watch and review a horror film a day, while spending time with your girlfriend who hates horror movies is a gargantuan task. I had to rake through my collection to find something that was "okay" for us to watch together. Needless to say the choices were limited, and we ended up watching "One Missed Call". Not the original, but the American remake. So here it review.

The film is about the supernatural nature of cell phones! A crazy premise, but whatever. The story goes that someone dies after receiving a phone call on their cell. The call will be from the last person to die and it goes to voice mail where you are left with a message of your voice at your future time of death. With me so far? Good. This cycle continues until it gets to the the main character, ineptly play by Shannyn Sossamon. At this point, she and utterly wooden policeman Ed Byrne fight their way to the root of the mystery.

Let me just set the record straight here. I adore the original version of this film. The plot is a little cheesy, and yet it just works. I can only attribute this to it being well acted and directed. These are examples of things that the remake do not do well. The acting is utterly hopeless and the dialogue is sometimes so blatantly expositional it's like having your eyes scrubbed with sandpaper.

I am going to keep this brief. If you want to watch a film with the same story, but with out the added crap, watch the original. Just don't waste your time with this atrocity.

Rating 1 out of 5

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What does IMDB say?

Review by Stephen King

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