Friday 8 October 2010

The Mist (Road to Halloween)

The first time I saw the trailer for "The Mist" I was sceptical as to whether it would be worthwhile or not. I like most of the "Stephen King" films, even if they aren't particularly great. However, I bit the bullet and went to the cinema anyway. The best part of this cinema experience was far greater than I had ever anticipated. So after watching it for only the second time today, I feel that it is definitely worth talking about.

The film is directed by "Frank Darabont", a long time collaborator of "Stephen King. They have worked together on "Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile", so you know that you are in for something that is not only well directed, but well written.

The story begins with a huge storm causing a lot of damage to the house of "Thomas Jane". After assessing the damage he and his son go to the market with his next door neighbour to pick up some supplies. His wife waves them goodbye, not knowing that it may be the last time she sees them. As they get to the store the begin to see a large military presence. After a while they see the mist start to roll in over the mountain range and into the car park outside. A man comes screaming towards the store yelling to lock the doors and speaking of monsters in the mist.

Needless to say all the people are now stuck in the store. As tensions run high, the mystery of the mist becomes apparent. Creatures start attacking the store and the people inside, so factions begin to form within. Tense until the dying seconds.

I love everything about this film...the acting, the writing, the tension. The scenes filmed inside the shop are so over-wrought with intensity. The acting is superb, "Thomas Jane" excellently portrays a man on the edge. Every moment he is on screen he seems to be faced with impossible choices. It really does show show his acting ability and also that he knows how to choose a film that is worth being in. I will say that the film does end differently from the original novella, but the new ending is incredible. A true "What the f*ck!" moment.

I hate being a fan boy of certain movies, but this certainly one of those times where it is necessary! The Mist is one of the most shocking horror films I have ever seen. In short - mostly cause I am really tired - this is yet another film you must watch this Halloween. Plus, if you have a Blu-ray player get that version as it comes with a black and white version of the fim.

Rating 5 out of 5

See it if you liked:
The Fog
The Crazies

What does IMDB say?

Review by Stephen King

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