Saturday 24 July 2010


Christopher Nolan writes and directs this Sci-Fi/Thriller with an all-star cast including Leonardo DiCaprio (Shutter Island), Ellen Page (Juno) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (500 Days of Summer). With the track record of Nolan's previous movies, Inception had a lot to live up to and it does not disappoint.

Inception centres around a device that allows people to create dream worlds for others to enter into. This device is used by a team of thieves led by a man named Cobb (DiCaprio) to commit industrial espionage. The team enter into dreams and steal ideas and secrets from some of the most powerful businessmen in the world when they are at their most vulnerable; while they are asleep.
Cobb has made mistakes in the past that mean he cannot be with his family but he is given the chance to right those wrongs by performing an act that most say is impossible, an act called 'Inception'. Instead of stealing secrets, inception is the planting of an idea in someone's head.

The cast are all perfectly suited to the roles they play and there are no weak links to distract viewers from the action.
The movie covers some complex concepts very quickly and expects the user to accept the information and go with it however luckily, the movie does have some characters for whom concepts are broken down step-by-step, ie.:
• Inducing a dream using the machine causes time in the dream to feel like it is passing at 1/20th speed; 5 minutes in the real world feels like 1 hour in the dream.
• In order to accomplish the inception they will require to cause multi-layered dreaming (A dream within a dream)
• The above rule is true for a dream induced while in a dream; 5 minutes in the real world feels like 20 hour in the dream within a dream.
Trying to keep track of where there are (Real world or a particular layer of a dream) could potentially become confusing but each level has vastly different yet equally stunning locations with unique feels which assists the viewer to quickly determine where the scene is taking place.

Inception as a concept could have so easily gone wrong, there are so many aspects that if handled incorrectly could have made the movie so much less than it was. Inception is able to cover a lot of ground rather quickly without feeling cluttered, it will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. This movie obviously won't be for everyone but if the viewer is willing to give the movie their undivided attention they will be rewarded with an amazing story which will cry out to be watched again.

Rating 5 out of 5

See it if you liked:
Blade Runner

What does IMDB say?

Review by Kevin Brown

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