Thursday 22 July 2010

The Human Centipede (First Sequence)

Sometimes in history, films push the boundaries of acceptability. "The Woodsman" portrays a paedophile in his attempts to live a next to normal life, "American History X" showed us the utter brutality to Neo-Nazi fanaticism and now, The Human Centipede. If you think I am trying to place this film as highly as the others, you are dead wrong. However, in terms of pushing the boundaries and doing something that is not only different, but genuinely shocks you, this passes with flying colours.

The entire film takes place in Germany, where two young - some might call them stupid - American girls are travelling through Europe. They have been invited to a party and are in the process of getting there when their car gets a flat tyre. A conversation strikes up between the two about their inability to change a blown tyre - surprise, surprise - and the fact that one of them isn't dressed correctly to get out the car to look for help. did I mention that they aren't getting any mobile phone reception? I know this doesn't sound terribly unique so far, but trust me it gets there.

After a trawl through the nearby woods in the dark they stumble upon a house with the lights on. they rattle on the door pleading for help; a call which is soon answered by an insanely creepy gentleman. As he invites them in, this is where the film starts to pull away from the typical and move into a league of its own. Soon the two girls are fighting, but not for their lives. for their individuality. The doctor's plan? He wants to a create a "Human Centipede" by stitching people together - ass to mouth.

This film has something original in it, and for something so grotesque, it does not show a lot of gore. It lets the actions of the film shock and fester in your mind. Rather than making you feel sick with blood and guts and horrific deaths, it remains rather subdued. The thing that really made me feel uncomfortable and scared was the Dr's general attitude towards his creation. His level of dementia; the fact that he just seems to think what he is doing is the right thing. It gave me shudders...Now I am not saying the film lacks gore entirely, but it just doesn't rely on the sort of torture porn level of violence that has been made popular by films like "Saw".

Now that I have placed it high on a pedestal, it's time to knock it down. Despite the film being original and playing to its strengths, those strengths are few. The acting, other than that of the Dr is mostly atrocious, with typical performances from the two American female leads. Most importantly, even although the plot is unique, it is...well for lack of a better word, icky! My idea of fun isn't watching people joined ass to mouth struggle with existence - and other things ie going number two! -for an hour and a half. In all, it kind of misses the mark a little. It does explore new territory, but maybe not a good territory.

Despite my hang-ups, the movie seems to have done fairly well in terms of success. Word of mouth is what got me to watch it, and I can only assume this is similar in most cases. We can expect a sequel coming in 2011. Not quite sure if I want to watch it yet, but maybe I will give in.

In closing, I wanted to talk about the tag line for the film, "100% medically accurate". The thought in my mind right now, "I bloody hope not!"

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